Earth Open Source have created quite a weighty document discussing the GMO Myths and Truths. Maybe a bit of bed time reading for the GM geeks among us but also a very interesting report on the common myths and truths of GM often heard within the industry.
Cert ID are in no position to argue whether or not these truths and myths are correct but we certainly do find the article useful and insightful, especially when relating to the current GM trends and consumer point of view.
A short summary of the report is titled "Why genetically modified food is dangerous: New report by genetic engineers". The summary discusses the claimed authoritative evidence of the hazards to health and the environment that GM's can and have caused. The report uses the opinions and scientific findings of some GM greats within the industry such as Dr Michael Antoniou of King's College London School of Medicine, Claire Robinson who is a research director of Earth Open Source and Dr John Fagan who is a former genetic engineer. The report, although quite lengthy, can open up some of the views of GM's and Non-GM debate, and can reveal some great insights and findings in the GM crop industry.
Take a look for yourselves: GMO Myths and Truths
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