Wednesday, 6 June 2012

According to Cert ID...

Cert ID Europe are back after a relaxing weekend celebrating the Queen and all things British! We are back to discover our name in the press once again, this time in 'Down To Earth'.

The recent article describes the rate and level of which GM contaminated rice is rising. Yes, the article may suggest that some food manufacturers in India are denying GMO contaminated rice, but the figures and reports suggest otherwise.

The above graph displays the rise of GM rice reports over the past few months, therefore making the issue of GMO contaminated rice a rising issue. Cert ID Europe are mentioned in the article relating to a recent interview the Managing Director of the Company gave in April this year. We're quoted to say that

“the unauthorised GMOs have been turning up in consignment of basmati rice from India and Pakistan.”

We're not just all talk though. The figures and the article display the rising concern of GM contaminated rice, and how it may certainly become more of an issue in months to come.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog !! thanks for sharing the information about brc certification india . this blog is really interested to read.


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