Tuesday 30 October 2012

Spring forward, fall back

The clocks have now turned back, and we're certainly noticing it at Cert ID Europe. Those dark winter nights are creeping on us, but so is the festivities of Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and the 'sober' Christmas party (we'll believe it when we see it.) 

Cert ID aren't ones to turn down an event or two, and we certainly aren't ones to do things half-heartedly. Tomorrow sees the donning of witches hats, vampire capes and of course Halloween treats and snacks! Whether this be BRC bat biscuits, Halal Hocus Pocus humus or Non-GMO ghostly gingerbread (there might be some soy or maize in there somewhere...) So there you have it for Halloween. 1 day until Halloween, and 1 month until the office Christmas party. No guesses for which event will turn out scarier than the other...

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